Fishing Regulation
Marine Protection and Tuna Preservation Regulations 2014
In line with Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar’s commitment to regulate fishing, diving and other marine activities in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters (BGTW), the Government published the Marine Protection Regulations 2014 as well as the Tuna Preservation Regulations 2014 on the 30th October 2014 with the latter regulations specifically catering for the regulation of tuna fishing activities in BGTW.
The regulations form part of the wider Government strategy to protect the marine environment in Gibraltar as required under International, European and regional legislative frameworks. Both regulations are instruments of the Nature Protection Act 1991. They allow for the regulation of fishing activities that are carried out legally in BGTW such as fishing with longlines, recreational fishing with rods and lines from land and from vessels as well as spearfishing. Other activities carried out by sports fishing operators, recreational divers, diving operators and dolphin tour operators are also regulated subject to the conditions of the relevant permit classes included in the regulations. These range from permit classes A to K. A comprehensive yet user friendly guidance booklet has been produced to help inform members of the public on the different permit classes and the specific provisions of both regulations. The Regulations will be effective as from the 1st January 2015.
The Department of the Environment will take the role of lead authority in issuing all the necessary permits under the regulations. The Marine Protection Regulations 2014 will become effective on the 1st January 2015, but members of the public can download the permit application form and submit it to the Department of the Environment for processing.
In addition, a marine species identification booklet has also been produced to highlight some of the common fish and mollusc species found in Gibraltar along with their corresponding minimum sizes that are now enshrined in the Marine Protection Regulations 2014. Please note that this booklet will be subject to review periodically.

Tuna Preservation Regulations 2014
Members of the public can download the Tuna Catch Reporting Form and submit it via
email at:,
or via
post at:
Suite 2b Leanse Place
50 Town Range
GX11 1AA
Bluefin Tuna Tagging Programme Application Form 2020 Season
Only applicants with a valid Class K license will be accepted. Successful applicants will be required to pay a £50 fee to cover the tagging equipment and induction course. All conditions set as part of the tuna tagging permit, including permissible equipment and tagging procedures to follow, must be strictly adhered to. Failure to adhere to the conditions of the Bluefin tuna tagging programme may result in a Class K license being revoked.
For additional information on how to complete this form, please contact the Department on or Tel: 200 71061. Completed forms should be submitted to the above-mentioned email.